Make time to have a say on Oban Bay’s future

You have six weeks from today to have your formal say on Argyll and Bute Council’s future plans for managing Oban Bay.

Paddleboarder, kayaker, ferry passenger, boat owner or trip operator – or anyone else with an interest in the bay – this is your chance to voice your opinion.

Christmas and New Year are well-known to be the busiest times of the year for a lot of people and although not everyone will be dashing about posting cards, wrapping and delivering gifts and partaking in festivities, Argyll and Bute Council’s timing of the consultation is not as generous as it could be.

Yes, the council wants to crack on with the process but with it effectively closing down for some of the holiday, the consultation period will be much shorter and the opportunity to discuss concerns will be limited. That is the big worry of Oban Community Harbour Development Association (OCHDA) and Oban Community Council which want as many people as possible to turn out to a public meeting at The Rockfield Centre on Thursday December 14 at 6.30 p.m.

If Transport Scotland is satisfied with the outcome of the consultation which ends on January 11, the revised Harbour Order will be presented to the Minister for Transport Fiona Hyslop for approval before passing into law and then that will be it – set in stone for decades to come. Point made – have your say.