Nevis Hill Walking Club

Sunday December 3 – Newtonmore

Creag Dubh (756m, Graham) — black cliff

Creag Dhubh lies in the foothills of the Monadhliath Mountains near Newtonmore, overlooking the upper Spey Valley.

Although of modest height, it is rugged with impressive crags and dominates the area.

The views from the summit are extensive and include the Cairngorms and the
western hills.

Due to its isolation, Creag Dhubh offers few opportunities for extending the walk.

However, given enough daylight, speedy walkers or more likely runners, could include Creag Liath, 743m, the Graham 3.9km NNW of Creag Dhubh.

9km, 520m ascent
*12km, 931m ascent – including Creag Liath

For more details of the route please visit our website or the Nevis Hillwalking Club Facebook page.

Please note walks may change at short notice due to conditions on the day.

If you are a keen walker, want to know more about our club, participate in walks or are interested in becoming a member, please contact us at