Thought for the Week – week 48 2023

Every day the news from Gaza shows more violence, killing and war.

We’ve seen the murder of civilians, the taking of hostages, the destruction of homes and hospitals. We long for peace to come.

The war isn’t only affecting people in Gaza and Israel. In Britain, even here, senseless violence against Jewish and Islamic people is increasing. We need to look out for our Jewish and Islamic neighbours and let them know we care and support them all, our fellow Scots, especially any who have friends or family in Israel or Gaza. Christians, Jews, Muslims, we are all praying for each other and for peace.

Despite the prejudice of some here, and the violence of others in Gaza, there are still countless people who are actively striving to make a difference for peace in Israel and Gaza.

They are the ones who fight tirelessly to end injustices, raise awareness, help the wounded, hold on to the terrified, argue for aid to get through and make it happen when they can. They are Christians, Jews, Muslims, of other faiths and of no faith.

I’m praying for them to have a good day tomorrow, a better week this week. I’m praying a prayer sent to me by one of them this week:

Lord we pray for your mercy, bring in the light into the darkness, help us understand that violence and revenge have never solved any conflict. Fill us with tolerance and love. And bring us peace.

Bishop Ian Paton, Acting Bishop of Argyll and The Isles in the Scottish Episcopal Church.