Colin regales Women’s Institute ladies with stories from the war

Arran author Colin Turbett was the guest speaker at the November meeting of the Shiskine Women’s Institute.

Colin is the author of Witness to War and he punctuated his talk with a wide ranging collection of memories and photos of the war from an Arran perspective.

After his talk Colin then judged the soup competition, awarding first to Elizabeth Ross and second to Joan Stewart. The November exhibition was black and white photographs. This was won by: 1 Elizabeth Kelso, 2 Jenni Turnbull, 3 Kate Henderson.

The December meeting of the Shiskine Women’s Institute will take place on Wednesday December 6 at Shiskine Golf Tee Room at 2.30pm when the competition is for best wrapped parcel and the exhibition is favourite candlestick holder. There will be the opportunity to buy a parcel after the competition with all proceeds going to Children’s Hospices Across Scotland (CHAS).