Free church to bring new life to town centre

A major renovation project in Lochgilphead town centre, which will provide an exciting new venue, is progressing this month.

The entire ground floor of Lochgilphead Free Church in Lochnell Street will be brought back to use at an estimated cost of around £320,000.

The large space inside Lochgilphead Free Church could see it used as a venue for many activities.
Photograph: Lochgilphead Free Church.

With planning permission already in place, it is expected that the construction contract will go out to tender in the next few weeks, which would allow work to begin in spring 2024.

It will provide a place for the growing congregation to worship, and importantly, a much-needed hall to be available for use by the whole community.

Free Church minister Rodger Crooks said: “We are excited to see this historic building restored and made useful again, and we hope that the community too will be excited to have it as a facility that will benefit them.”

Free Church minister Rodger Crooks outside Lochgilphead Free Church. Photograph: Lochgilphead Free Church

The flexible space will be suitable for a variety of groups and uses. It will have a kitchen to allow catered events to be held there.

Currently worship takes place in the small hall behind the church, which only holds up to 30 people comfortably. The main church building has lain unused for over a decade.

The church has already raised £190,000 with sales of home baking, community lunches, afternoon teas and car boot sales.

Other Free Church congregations have also contributed as well as churches from other denominations in Scotland and Northern Ireland. Individuals have and can donated through the websites or //

Mid Argyll councillor Jan Brown said: “It’s great to see old buildings being brought back to life.

“The town has gaining a valuable asset for the community to use. It’s really good to see the fundraising going on every week with such great support from the community.”

Lochgilphead is in great need of a town hall or large community hall.

There is a sports hall at Lochgilphead Joint Campus, but this venue is not suitable for every type of event and is almost always heavily booked.

Lochgilphead Community Centre, which is owned by Argyll and Bute Council, previously had a variety of halls and rooms for hire but due to rearrangement of council spaces, there is now just one hall available to hire there and it is also greatly in demand.

It is not as large as the Free Church building and does not have kitchen facilities.

There is no venue where groups such as the 19th Argyll Scout Group can all meet together.

Previously they hired the community centre but now each section must find its own venue.

The small size of available venues sometimes hampers the activities the groups would like to engage in.  The scout group will take full advantage of the new hall.

Mid Argyll associations such as the Mid Argyll Arts Association, Mid Argyll Music Festival and Mid Argyll Musical Association all need suitable venues for concerts and other events.

The town is also lacking a choice of hospitality venues. At present only one hotel is open. And the Advertiser reported in March this year that the Church of Scotland had reached a decision that Lochgilphead Parish Church will close by the end of 2026 at the latest.

This new hall will be available for wedding receptions and funeral wakes.

It is hoped it will also be used by the community for festivals and galas, or any community events.