Long live community spirit

The words community spirit are bandied about with a diluting regularity these days and we in particular are certainly no stranger to using it.

We use it unashamedly and where it is honestly deserved and we are grateful that it is very much still in evidence in just about every edition we publish.

This week we are proud to report on community spirit saving the day after the Screen Machine equipment failed.

This same community-minded thinking can also be seen in our coverage of the monumental efforts people are going through to save Lamlash Church hall for community use.

It was also community spirit that helped COAST achieve its goals and the recent recognition for it.

We see this altruistic behaviour regularly in our island community and we frequently highlight it because it is something valuable that appears to be decreasing in our modern “connected” world.

Community spirit is what attracted many to Arran and it is something that keeps many of us here. As the world and its people seem to become increasingly disconnected from the important things that matter most, we say long live Arran’s community spirit. It is the glue that binds us and keeps Arran being the special place it is.