Stornoway arts centre moves a step closer to net zero ambition

Isle of Lewis arts centre, An Lanntair, is now boasting new solar panels as part of their drive for a greener approach to energy management.

The venue is working hard to reduce carbon emissions, focussing on energy efficiency and renewable energy generation in support of its aim to become a net zero creative organisation on the islands.

The green initiative led to last month’s installation of 30 solar panels on the south facing rooftop along with a lithium battery bank to store extra energy.

The 15kW PV array will cover daytime energy usage and additional consumption during peak evening periods leading to a significant expected reduction in annual energy bills for the foreseeable future.

Arts Centre CEO Sean Paul O’Hare commented: “Thanks to the hard work of An Lanntair’s ‘Green Team’, we are delighted with the new panels which should have a significant impact on our energy bills, a vital boost in these times of financial uncertainty for the arts and cultural sectors.”

The costs of the solar panel installation project were fundraised by An Lanntair and supported by a number of organisations to reach the target of £33,000.

“This welcome addition in our sustainability plan would not have been made possible if it was not for the support of our funders,” added Sean Paul.

“I would like to pay a special word of thanks to Point and Sandwick Trust (PST) who helped us with an £8,000 donation towards the costs.

“We first approached the PST back in the summer and it became apparent that both organisations share the same aims regarding reducing greenhouse emissions and tackling the climate crisis in the Outer Hebrides.

“Along with funding from Wolfsen Foundation’s Theatre Improvement Scheme and Comhairle Nan Eilean’s Crown Estates Revenue Fund, we were able to install the new solar system.”

Point and Sandwick Trust Manager, DJ MacSween commented: “We look forward to hearing the positive impact that this latest island based, micro-renewables project will bring to An Lanntair as they move towards net zero and the energy efficiencies that offers.”

The project was delivered by Inverness firm, IDM Energy and offered an added benefit in employing local people from the islands to make the installation, delivering positive local economic impact.

Photograph: Pictured left to right with An Lanntair’s new solar panels in the background: DJ MacSween (Point and Sandwick Trust) and DC Macmillan (An Lanntair). Photograph: SandiePhotos. NO_F49_StornowayArtsCentre_23_SolarPanels