Cairnbaan Community Trust gains charitable status

Anyone who has been involved with getting charitable status for their community group will know the hard work that goes into being ‘made official’.

Cairnbaan Community Trust  –  also known by its Gaelic name Urras a’ Chàirn Bhàin  –  has successfully gained charitable status and its constitution has been officially  approved by OSCR, the Scottish Charity Regulator.

It is ready to embark on its next area of hard work.

Jim Maitland, chairperson of the trust/urras, said: “Becoming a registered charity opens the doors to us to expand upon our current initiatives and seek opportunities that will be of considerable benefit to all of us living in Cairnbaan.

“We will be able to take up issues which affect our residents and have already done this in respect of the speed of traffic through the village.

“We are now applying to the Scottish Land Fund to commission a feasibility study to consider the transfer of ownership of forestry buildings for a community hub.

“This could give Cairnbaan a community base where all sorts of activities can take place.”

The trust/urras aims to represent all of the community and invites anyone interested in joining the team as a trustee or volunteer to contact Jim at