Mid Argyll play parks to be refurbished

The good news for youngsters in Tarbert is that Argyll and Bute has taken on board some of their ideas for their new-look play park – if they can fit them all in as the children had plenty of ideas.

And there is more good news – there is more cash to spend.

After a great deal of study and consultation, Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands has decided how to spend its share of nearly £1 million given by the Scottish Government to upgrade play parks across the council area.

Out of this fund a total £368,500 has been earmarked to improve children’s play parks throughout the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and Islands area.

Amongst the play parks to benefit, Tarbert will have £20,000 to add to the existing £80,000 funds in place for its upgrade; Ardrishaig will get £33,000 and Bayview will receive £25,000.

The council went out to public consultation to see how people thought the money could be best spent.

Members and officers were pleased to see that more than 1,000 adults and 400 young people across Argyll and Bute took the time to give their opinions.

The division of the Scottish Government funds was discussed at area committee business days, along with the results of the consultation.

At September’s area committee meeting members heard that Tarbert Play Park was in the process of being upgraded; the existing equipment was previously removed for safety concerns.

The Tarbert Community Council and local parents were on record as being unhappy about the length of time it was taking to upgrade the park.

When the consultation took place, the youngsters in Tarbert said they wanted a play park with a zip wire and assault course theme, with a small cycle and trike track.

But officers think the site might be too small and the contractor would struggle to get a zip wire into the park along with all the other suggestions which also include a wheelchair accessible roundabout.