Care home project fun and games for all ages

Kintyre Care Centre’s intergenerational project is continuing to provide lots of fun for people of all ages.

Over the last few months, the care home has enjoyed visits from Campbeltown Nursery Centre, Youth Impact and children of care home staff.

Boys and girls from the nursery joined care home residents for Hallowe’en fun and games, while young people from Youth Impact carried out some Hallowe’en crafts, and staff’s children joined in the fun at the home’s Hallowe’en party.

“On our latest visit from Campbeltown Nursery Centre, the children brought along their favourite games and puzzles to share with staff and residents, before performing some of the songs they have been learning at nursery,” said senior wellbeing co-ordinator Susan Ellis.

“We continue with monthly visits from the nursery children and holding our playgroup for younger children.”

Over the festive period, the home has visits planned from local primary and secondary school pupils, as well as from Kintyre Youth Action Group.

Susan added: “The intergenerational project has been a great success and we can’t wait to continue to strengthen our links with the young people in our community.”

CAPTIONS (One of the children’s faces and one of the resident’s faces have been blurred due to photo permission; could possibly be cropped out if not happy with the blurring):

Katrine Wilson, sitting at the back, enjoyed listening to the nursery children singing. NO_C49intergenerational01_23_nursery

Ella McKinven played a game with some of the nursery children. NO_C49intergenerational02_23_ella-mckinven

Margaret Semple joined the nursery children and childcare and education worker Helen Harrison in playing some of the younsters’ favourite games.  NO_C49intergenerational03_23_margaret-semple