Christmas crafts at village hall

Lochgoilhead Village Hall hosted crafts and superb home baking on Saturday in aid of the Carrick Castle Community Trust.

Home crafts, including bird houses, painted glass bottles, Christmas crafts, sat side-by-side with home-baking, a bottle stall and a guess the bear’s birthday competition.

Refreshments were enjoyed by all who ventured forth and there was plenty of baking from curried pasties to carrot cake to take home.

Any unclaimed prizes from the raffle can be picked up rom the post office.

The fair was followed in the evening by a charity ball run by Lochgoilhead Community Council which was widely praised – including the decoration of the hall.

Refreshments were welcome at the Christmas Fair in Lochgoilhead Village Hall. Photograph: Derek Prescott
The stalls were popular among visitors. Photograph: Derek Prescott
Christmas crafts and wreaths were on offer. Photograph: Derek Prescott
Bird boxes were an eco-friendly idea as a gift. Photograph: Derek Prescott
Painted bottles made a colourful sight. Photograph: Derek Prescott
The home-baking stall was as popular as ever. Photograph: Derek Prescott
The bottle stall at the Christmas Fair. Photograph: Derek Prescott

All photographs: Derek Prescott