Christmas timing over harbour consultation ‘rides roughshod’ over Oban

Oban Bay users have been warned to have their say on council plans for its future management or risk a “long-lasting detrimental effect.”

Town community councillor Dougie Graham said that would be the consequence faced if the well-used bay is totally “left in the hands of people who don’t care about Oban.”

Community Council convenor Frank Roberts had already  told members at this month’s meeting that he felt “duped” after a council letter responding to his concerns over the  Christmas and New Year bad timing of the formal public consultation, said the authority would be sensitive to the festive period.

Despite pleas by the community council and OCHDA (Oban Community Harbour Development Association), the consultation started on November 30 and will end of January 10.

If Transport Scotland is satisfied with the outcome of the consultation, the Harbour Order will be presented to the Minister for Transport Fiona Hyslop MSP for approval before passing into law.

There are worries that the 42-day period will effectively be shortened by two weeks because of council holiday closures.

Convenor Roberts said it was “disingenuous in the least” and was “appalling behaviour” from the council to run it over the seasonal break when so may people are pre-occupied with festivities.

OCHDA’s Phil Hamerton described the council  as acting “semi-clandestine” in the run-up to publicly announcing the dates of the consultation, asking: “What are they trying to hide?”

Oban North and Lorn councillor Willie Hume told the meeting that in his personal opinion the timing was totally wrong and that it was very important Argyll and Bute Council got this consultation right.

Community councillor Graham said it was “disrespectful to the people of Oban” and accused Argyll and Bute of “riding roughshod over the town” which he added was a “cash-cow” for the local authority.

Oban Community Council and OCHDA are hosting a public meeting,  open to anyone interested in Oban Bay,at The Rockfield Centre on December 14 starting at 6.30pm.

You can read more about Oban Municiple Harbour plans here:

Any person wanting to make an objection or representation on the council’s plans for Oban Municipal Harbour should write to Scottish Ministers before January 10, quoting “Oban Harbour Revision Order 2023”, stating the grounds of their objection or representation and giving an address for a response. the address is Transport Scotland, Ports and Harbours Branch, Area 2F North, Victoria Quay, Edinburgh, EH6 6QQ;

You can also email


Caption: Have your say on the future of Oban Bay