Tractors and lights switch-on thrill Benderloch crowds

The Benderloch community were out in force last weekend to support the village’s Christmas lights switch-on and inaugural tractor run.

Both events on Saturday December 3 saw around 500 people and 15 tractors descend on the village to get in the festive mood.

Prior to the switch-on, the brightly decorated tractors departed Tralee Caravan Park, with the judging taking place at the village’s turning circle after the Christmas lights went live.

Around 15 tractors entered into the tractor run. Photograph: Kevin Mcglynn.

Ardchattan community councillor Diane MacLean came up with the idea of getting local farmers involved in the competition to name the ‘best dressed tractor’ under the watchful eye of John MacCormick.

Fellow community councillor Donald John Barr was also involved in the organisation of the “brilliant” event and praised the efforts put in by the community.

“So many people came together and the efforts that were put into the tractor run were fantastic,” said Mr Barr.

Prizewinners for the best decorated tractor, left to right, Ewan Cameron, his son Charlie Cameron, judge John MacCormick, William Buchanan and Willie Maclean. Photograph: Kevin Mcglynn.

“D&J Campbell Ltd sponsored the tractor run, Tralee Caravan Park helped switch the lights on and The Pink Shop got involved in selling Christmas cards.

“There were also lots of people in the background who, for example, helped organise the trees, lights and health and safety.”

This latest switch-on raised £1,715 towards the annual Lochnell Primary School primary seven trip as the pupils prepare to head for Lockerbie next year.

Hollie and Archie Cameron get a ride on one of the tractors. Photograph: Kevin Mcglynn.

“A huge thank you to Jimmy, Kate and Amy at the Ben Lora Cafe for extending its opening hours and selling hot chocolate, with the help of P7 parents, to everyone at the switch-on,” said Mr Barr.

“It was a huge success and a brilliant effort by the farmers. We have a very active community council here and everyone knows that is how these great ideas start.”

Ardchattan Community Council’s Steven Groom added: “A phenomenal amount was raised and the farmers all clearly tried to outdo each other, which made it very competitive. There was a really good vibe and a fantastic turnout.”

Santa arrived by a Rudolph Massie Ferguson. Photograph: Kevin Mcglynn.

A special effort was made to include residents of Etive House Care Home with pipers playing for them. Three of the colourful tractors also went around the back of the home to ensure no-one was left out, while home-baking was delivered to the residents.

On the night, the honours went to William ‘Willie’ Maclean for the best dressed tractor in his yellow Renault, but the big winners were the Benderloch community for hosting such a vibrant event.

Young ladies leading the carol singing after the Christmas tree was lit. Photograph: Kevin Mcglynn.