Community gathers for Christmas tree lights

Lochgoilhead community gathered on Friday afternoon for the official switching-on of the village’s Christmas tree lights.

With mulled wine and hot chocolate on offer from Tigh na Mara in Lochgoilhead and children singing Christmas songs, the event heralded the start of the village’s festive season.

Thanks went to Cove for providing the tree while Iain MacInnes did the honours of lighting it up.

Mulled wine and hot chocolate were on offer to keep villagers warm in the cold early evening. NO_A49LochgoilheadXmastree01_23_mulledwine
Iain MacInnes did the honours of turning the lights on. NO_A49LochgoilheadXmastree02_23_IainMacInnes
Some of the village children gathered ready to sing some Christmas songs after the lights were switched on. NO_A49LochgoilheadXmastree03_23_children_gather_to_sing