Cracker of a Christmas tree festival

Thousands enjoyed St Conan’s Kirk Christmas Tree Festival over the weekend.

A ‘tree-mendous’ effort was put in to the 73 trees on show at this year’s St Conan’s Kirk Christmas Tree Festival.
Rockfield Primary School’s Learning Centre called in at the three-day event.


Sunday alone brought in 2,700 visitors who descended on the historic Lochawe church to see more than 70 trees on show.

Dalmally Show’s tree tent was popular with visitors.

The event raised more than £10,000 to go towards match funding for the Kirk’s recent National Lottery Heritage Fund award and its community projects.

Doctor and patient trees from Lorn and the Islands Hospital.

Liz MacKay from friends of St Conan’s said: “We had very positive feedback about all the wonderful, creative, inventive trees. We can’t believe we had 73. The imagination and skill of such a great cross section of the community is just incredible.

This was the impressive entry by West Highland Aquatic Life Endeavour.
Way in to this year’s Christmas tree festival through the courtyard at St Conan’s

“This year we decorated a little more than usual: visitors thought the entrance was really lovely. For the first time, we had controlled access to the crypt during the festival. A lot of ‘wows!’ were heard as visitors caught their first glimpse of the snowy forest we had made amongst the columns and arches.

Festive trees among the columns at St Conan’s Kirk.
Police Scotland’s tree
Photograph: Stephen Lawson.

“Everyone really seemed to enjoy their visit. It was a truly feel-good experience for everyone involved.”

Peekaboo! One of the elves waiting to be found in a game of hide and seek with visitors to St Conan’s Christmas Tree Festival.
St Conan’s Kirk lit by Christmas trees.
Photograph: Stephen Lawson. SL-T49-stconans-2023-treefet

The winning tree was Christmas at the Castle from Dunollie. In second place was the Swan Tree by Lochnell Primary School and in third position was another lovely dress-style tree from the Artisan Cafe in Tyndrum.

Little red cars decorated North Argyll Volunteer Car Scheme’s tree.
The Wedding at St Conan’s Kirk Christmas Tree festival 2023.

Also popular was Glencruitten Hostel’s Christmas Island, Oban Sportif’s Bicycle Wheel tree and Hope Kitchen’s Boxes of Hope.

Emma Miller, Liz MacKay, Helen Hennessey and Pat Mcleod were among volunteers helping at St Conan’s Kirk Christmas Tree Festival.
Wintry forest in the crypt at St Conan’s
Photograph: Kevin McGlynn.

Caption: Dunollie’s Christmas At The Castle tree designed like a dress was the winning entry at this year’s St Conan’s Kirk Christmas Tree Festival.