MP and Tagsa Uibhist grill Co-op on island prices

Concerns about “staggeringly” high food prices faced by island shoppers have been put to the Co-op this month by Isles MP Angus MacNeil and Tagsa Uibhist.

As families face the additional financial burden of the festive season, Mr MacNeil highlighted to head of public affairs at the Co-op Andrew Weston the issues of pricing and the need for more Co-op own-brand products to be available in all stores, including convenience shops.

Also at the meeting was chief executive of Tagsa Uibhist, Chris McLullich, and Alex MacKenzie, local food development manager for Tagsa Uibhist.

Earlier this year, Tagsa Uibhist conducted a study, in partnership with Nourish Scotland, into the affordability and accessibility of basic fruit and vegetables in Uist and Barra and to compare these findings with mainland data. The ‘Our right to Food’ report found a “staggering” 28 per cent island premium and revealed major difficulties in accessing basic shopping essentials.

Mr MacNeil said: “Last week’s meeting was helpful in that it allowed us to relay directly to Co-op management the situations island shoppers face regularly. Weather and ferries directly impact the delivery of food and other products.

“Cheaper own-brand products sell out before the branded products, which can mean the cost of shopping baskets can go up markedly in the event of travel disruption.

“This shows particularly in the price of fruit and vegetables. Since the Co-op stopped selling loose onions, that would have been 35-45p worth of onions, are now in a packet sold for £1:10.

“I will continue the dialogue with the Co-op to ensure islanders are getting the best range of products including own-brand cheaper products and that prices are not disproportionately higher than mainland stores.”

Chief executive of Tagsa Uibhist Chris McLullich, called the meeting “encouraging”. “In Tagsa we have been highlighting the ‘island premium’ in the cost of food and the fact it can be a challenge for many in Uist to have access to fresh, nutritious food,” he said.

“This has a huge negative impact on people’s health and wellbeing here, from families dealing with the cost-of-living crisis to people who need to follow specific diets for health reasons.

“Our research shows that food costs around 28 per cent more than it typically would on the mainland. We also know that, due to distances and the lack of adequate public transport, food shortages caused by ongoing supply chain problems mean that people often simply have to go without the products they need.

“We felt that Andrew Weston listened to our concerns and has since invited Tagsa to further meetings with the Co-op. We would like to see a broader range of healthy, nutritious, fresh and affordable food in local stores and will continue to advocate for this on the basis that people in Uist have the same right to good food as people in other parts of Scotland.”

A Co-op spokesperson said: “Food prices in Co-op Highland stores are not more expensive than mainland stores. Co-op exists to create and return value to its members and this year the convenience retailer invested £90m into new lower prices to support its members and customers.

“Co-op’s new, lower member-only prices are available across nearly 200 hundred fixed everyday essential products giving Co-op members a chance to save up to 10 per cent off the retail price in store, running alongside exclusive member-only deals and weekly personalised offers, helping member shoppers to save on average £500 a year.

“Co-op is proud to serve its island communities and takes its responsibilities seriously. Supplies are prioritised because of the unique locations and teams work hard to protect availablity of products in these stores. Co-op’s investment and commitment to communities in the Highland of Scotland can be evidenced with the retailer’s two new stores in Stornoway and Sollas.”