Nevis Hill Walking Club

Saturday December 9 – Rannoch Moor

Stob na Cruaiche (739m, Graham) – stub of the heap

Seen from the A82 across the desolate bogginess of Rannoch Moor, A’ Chruach does indeed look no more than a heap in an otherwise vast level landscape, of which Stob na Cruaiche is its highest point.

Truly a walk in the wilderness with stunning views of the surrounding mountains in all directions.

It is possible to cycle in from Kings House and whilst pushing the total distance travelled up over 30km, there is a decent track for just over 14km leaving a short walk up to the summit.

15km, 550m ascent
33km, 652m ascent – bike option from Kings House Hotel

For more details of the route please visit our website or the Nevis Hillwalking Club Facebook page.

Please note walks may change at short notice due to conditions on the day.

If you are a keen walker, want to know more about our club, participate in walks or are interested in becoming a member, please contact us at