Oban blueprint delayed

Oban’s development blueprint has been delayed after a disagreement.

Oban Community Council heard the Local Development Plan 2 (LDP2) has been delayed after the Scottish Government disagreed with the reporter’s document.

Oban North and Lorn Councillor Kieron Green told the meeting the disagreement was nothing to do with Ganavan; instead it was about aquaculture.

This summer, Save Ganavan campaigners were disappointed when the Scottish Government returned the LDP2 with a recommendation still to allow houses there.

That ruling went against the wishes of many Oban people and Argyll and Bute Council, who wanted the “housing” option at Ganavan removed from the blueprint that sets out how the town could be developed over the next 10 years.

Referring back to the aquaculture issue, Councillor Green said there would now need to be changes to that part of the document which means it has been delayed.

He told the meeting Argyll and Bute Council would be marked down because of it. “It means a red mark against the council’s name for not having a development plan less than five years in place.”

The last plan was from 2015.

In a planning update at the meeting, members heard Environmental Health was wanting more information about development at a caravan park in Gallanach involving a private water supply. The roads department is also concerned about the scale of the plans so the matter is currently delayed.

Plans for the former Kilbowie outdoor centre have also hit a hitch for not staying in character with the surrounding area, members heard.

The community council agreed to make available up to £1,000 to support a Local Place Plan (LPP) which would help secure further funding for the initiative that would help the community develop proposals for the  area, expressing their aspirations and ambitions for future change. Those behind a potential LPP for Oban are also waiting to hear about funding from the Oban Common good Fund which is still to be decided.

CCTV for Ganavan car park is still awaited.

Caption: Still allowing houses to be potentially built near Ganavan had nothing to do with the Local Development Plan 2 for Oban being delayed, Oban Community Council heard.