Adult rugby resurgence attracts mixed membership

Senior rugby is set to make a comeback in South Kintyre after both male and female adult players resumed training in November.

Wednesday November 22 saw the first night of Mixed Adult Rugby and sources say that the evening was a success despite the wild weather.

Second and third sessions have since taken place and the club is now looking for more people to join them.

“If anyone would like to join the club and try out some training sessions please don’t hesitate to get in touch,” said a club spokesperson.

“Hopefully we get some more numbers as it would be great to get an adult team going again.”

Training takes place from 8-9pm on the all weather pitch at the Grammar School. It is £2 per session.

For more information and to keep up to date with all the goings on visit the Campbeltown Junior Rugby (Campbeltown Kintyre Rugby Club) page on Facebook.