Ardrossan harbour upgrade further delayed by “reprofiling” delay

Work to upgrade Ardrossan harbour, which was delayed by increased costs, has been put back again.

Originally scheduled for November, transport minister Fiona Hyslop has confirmed new costings will not be finalised until February next year. It has also been revealed the estimates may now include other work in the harbour.

Fiona Hyslop told the Ardrossan Task Force: “The improvement works do not at present include replacement or strengthening of the Winton Pier and Irish Berth which in certain wind conditions ferries use to manoeuvre out of the harbour. These quay walls may also provide support to the LNG tank and concerns about their integrity have been heightened following recent structural failures to parts of the wall.

“To help determine the scope definitively, Transport Scotland has asked Peel Ports to undertake a structural assessment of these currently out of scope quay walls. This work will help clarify the condition and determine if further work is required to strengthen/ replace them.”

Any delay to the upgrading of Ardrossan harbour will mean a longer time the Arran ferry service will need to be diverted to Troon harbour as an alternative port since Ardrossan harbour is currently unable to accommodate the new vessel, MV Glen Sannox, when it arrives.

Speaking last month when it was announced the work would be delayed owing to the reprofiling, MSP Katy Clark said: “This latest news will only cause further anxiety for communities which rely on the Ardrossan-Arran service, which is the busiest on the entire network.

“It took six years for the Scottish Government to agree grant terms with Peel Ports on these urgent redevelopments. Just weeks later, the project was paused due to costs being higher than previously feared, even though the upgrades are urgently needed to accommodate new vessels set to launch from next year.

“Now the costs have been ‘reprofiled’ to next year, with consultants appointed to provide a fresh report on costings. Why on earth has it taken this long for the Scottish Government to ensure the work was done so there was a serious business case ready? That must be presented to the Ardrossan Harbour Task Force imminently, with costs and implications presented to parliament for scrutiny.”

Fiona Hyslop acknowledged the delay would cause disappointment, adding: “I fully appreciate this will be disappointing. However, it is essential the scope of work is clearly defined to have greater certainty of the project costs and financial package required.

“The Scottish Government remains committed to ensuring the Arran ferry service is fit for the future and that we will continue to engage closely with the community as this work progresses.”


Minister for transport, Fiona Hyslop. No_B49PeelDelay01_23_Fiona_Hyslop