Arran Society of Glasgow celebrate another year of benevolent assistance

The Arran Society of Glasgow held its annual dinner at the Royal College of Surgeons in Glasgow where the members celebrated another year of providing assistance and support for cultural and educational opportunities on Arran.

This was the first time in many years that the dinner had been held in the city, and the directors were delighted to welcome 60 guests to the spectacular setting.

Following a delicious meal, president Sheila Gilmore proposed the toast to the Arran Society of Glasgow before introducing Paul Tinto who gave a superb toast to Arran. Sheila said it was fascinating to hear from Paul, now an accomplished actor, and some anecdotes about growing up on Arran, and the feeling of community that never left him. Paul paid particular praise to his mentors, Mary Young and Heather Gough and his speech was heartfelt and was warmly appreciated by all present.

Entertainment for the evening came in the form of piping from Cameron McCallum, who then joined Fraser McKinnon on guitar. Both Cameron and Fraser are now studying in Glasgow, and their contribution to the evening was much appreciated by all.

A short video was also shown, made up of clips from some of those the Society has benefitted recently, including community groups and individuals. This was followed by an envelope raffle with prizes kindly donated by Arran Distillers, Arran Sense of Scotland, Taste of Arran and Arran Society of Glasgow director Isabel Macmillan. The raffle raised an incredible £720.

The evening concluded with a vote of thanks, and the presentation of bouquets of flowers to the president, Sheila Gilmore, and honorary secretary, Catherine Murchie, as both ladies will stand down at the AGM in March.

The Arran Society of Glasgow is a benevolent organisation with a mission to develop and enhance cultural and educational opportunities and provide support for people from Arran.

The society was formed in 1843, and has around 460 members from Arran, Glasgow and further afield. The society is always looking to extend its membership to ensure its aims and objectives continue to be fulfilled.

If you would like to join the society or find out more you can visit



Arran Society of Glasgow members and directors at the drinks reception in the downstairs library at the Royal College of Surgeons in Glasgow. No_B49ASOG01_23_annual_dinner