Aviation adventure for high flying Archie

A Clachan Primary School aeroplane enthusiast was flying high last week after Scottish company Loganair helped him fulfil an aviation dream.

When 11-year-old Archie Nisbet found out that one of his favourite planes, the Saab 340 was to be retired in January 2024, he expressed a desire to fly in one before they went out of service.

Hoping to book a flight mum Kath emailed the operators to find out what routes the plane now took.

Much to her surprise, and delight, the email landed on the desk of Mignon Beetham, Customer Contact Centre supervisor at Loganair, who immediately formed a plan to make Archie’s wish come true.

And on Friday December 1 Archie and Kath found themselves on an adventure of a lifetime.

Welcomed by pilot Laura Roper and First Officer Fraser Beaton the pair set off from Campbeltown Airport on a Twin Otter.

Kath and Archie Nisbet at Glasgow Airport.They were greeted at Glasgow Airport by Mignon who presented Archie with some goodies before setting them off on a train and bus journey to Aberdeen airport just in time to catch a flight to Kirkwall in Orkney on the Saab.

Taking up the story Kath told us:  “The pilot (Pieter van de Riet)  and co pilot (Eddie Watt) were incredible.

“At end of flight they let him sit in the pilot’s seat and start the engine.

“They explained all the technical details of the return flight to Aberdeen which was really special.

“Loganair were just so kind. All the flights were free – they didn’t have to do that at all and we can’t thank them enough.”

Archie developed his fascination for planes from a young age when he lived on a flightpath in Leeds.

“He used to point and say plane every 30 minutes,” said Kath.

“We travelled a lot in the past, flying to France when he was weeks old and Australia at 18 months.”

Archie was able to talk and listen to the pilot during the flight.

Granny Sue has also been instrumental in encouraging the passion which she shares with her grandson, whose depth of knowledge on aviation has been described as quite remarkable by flight experts at museums they visit.

Archie returned to school on Tuesday with “a smile as wide as a tunnel” according to Kath.

Mignon Beetham told The Campbeltown Courier this week: “Archie’s story really touched my heart and we wanted to do all we could to help him take a trip on one of our Saab aircraft before they retire from the Loganair fleet.

“With the help of our crews, I hope we made the journey really special for Archie and his Mum, and they’ve had a trip they can remember for a long time to come.”

As well as enjoying all things flight related Archie also has a passion for the seas and is a member of Campbeltown Sea Cadets, goes diving with Kintyre Sea Sports and is a member of Tarbert Toppers sailing club.

He also has quite a talent for the trumpet.