Fort William town centre masterplan unveiled

A “transformative” and “dynamic” masterplan for the future of Fort William’s town centre has been revealed.

The launch of the public engagement events took place recently at the Nevis Centre, Fort William, to showcase the initial draft of the masterplan and offered the opportunity to engage with around 200 members of the public.

The joint initiative by the Highland Council, Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE), and Lochaber Chamber of Commerce will next hold a series of events across Lochaber “to enable collective and diverse community input that will help shape the masterplan”.

“A comprehensive study, led by Threesixty Architecture, engaged stakeholders to redefine the town’s core, aligning with current and emerging policies and strategies relevant to the Lochaber area and assisted with the creation of the first stage of the masterplan development,” the council said.

Economy and Infrastructure Committee chairperson councillor Ken Gowans said: “The masterplan marks the beginning of this exciting transformative journey and will serve as a guideline to assess and nurture future development and attract inward investment.

“The masterplan has already sparked positive community feedback and with continued place planning, collaborative commitment and public and private investment, it opens endless possibilities to really transform Fort William’s town centre into a vibrant and attractive environment that reflects and meets the needs of the community.”

The Fort William Masterplan proposes “an inclusive and accessible town centre with increased levels of living, working and play for all, regardless of mobility or income”; “a town centre that serves not just its local population but a vibrant hub for the wider region, home to essential civic and cultural services”; “a town centre that celebrates its location on the shore of Loch Linnhe and makes the most of the opportunity this presents”; and an “energised and attractive town centre that presents itself as a true ‘Gateway to the Highlands’, building on the strong tourism market to ensure growth and resilience”.

The exhibition boards can be viewed on the council’s website. Further public engagement events will be held across Lochaber and publicised early in 2024.