Have your say on council house rent

Council house tenants are being urged to have their say on proposed rent levels which come into effect in April next year.

North Ayrshire Council says it understands that many people are feeling the pressures of the current economic climate and the cost-of-living crisis so it is crucial that tenants have their voices heard on any proposed changes.

Councillor Tony Gurney, cabinet member for green environment and economy, said: “We are doing everything we can to ensure the rent level options are as low as possible while maintaining service levels, and continuing to invest in maintenance, energy efficiency, refurbishment and new build council housing.

“We are making every effort to get the right balance between ensuring residents have affordable rents whilst delivering high-quality services and improvements to our housing stock, by upgrading our existing homes and building new properties.

“That’s why we’re very keen that our tenants make their voices heard. We are consulting on two options for rent levels for next year and we encourage tenants to tell us what they think before any decision is taken.”

Tenants can take part in the consultation online by visiting https://forms.office.com/e/kqdvKmYAGh and taking the short survey. This should only take a few minutes to complete.

North Ayrshire Council’s rent levels are currently amongst the lowest in Scotland and are among the most affordable housing options for residents in North Ayrshire.

This year’s rent setting consultation period will run until Sunday January 7, 2024. and the responses will be considered by elected members before a decision is made at the council meeting on February 14 next year.

If you’re experiencing financial difficulties there is a cost of living support section on the North Ayrshire council website at https://www.north-ayrshire.gov.uk/cost-of-living/cost-of-living.aspx


Councillor Tony Gurney is urging residents to have their say on council rents during the cost-of-living crisis. No_B49councilrent01_23_Tony_Gurney