Police add their support to help combat gender-based violence

Police on Arran have joined colleagues from Police Scotland and representatives from North Ayrshire Women’s Aid to support the 16 Days of Activism campaign against gender-based violence.

The annual two-week global campaign began on the international day for the elimination of violence against women and runs until Sunday December 10, Human Rights Day.

Last week, sergeant Kevin Blackley and constable Jimmy Baird joined Women’s Aid representative Lilias Nicholls and Gerry Mongiardini of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service at a pledge signing event at Brodick ferry terminal to launch the campaign.

The pledge signing is part of the White Ribbon campaign which is allied with Women’s Aid and calls for signatories to promise to never use, excuse or remain silent about men’s violence towards women.

Sergeant Blackley said: ‘Police Scotland has been supporting the Days of Activism campaign with activities and calls to action to show our continued commitment to the campaign alongside numerous partner agencies.

‘Gender-based violence and domestic abuse is an ongoing threat in Scotland’s communities and the planned events and activities demonstrate Police Scotland will not tolerate violent behaviour and abuse. Tackling and preventing it continues to be a priority.

‘Consent, domestic abuse, forced marriage and human trafficking are just some of the important concerns being highlighted in a bid to raise awareness of the help and support that is available, especially on Arran.

‘Police Scotland is committed to tackling gender-based violence and abuse which is highlighted in campaigns including the That Guy campaign and the Get Consent and domestic abuse initiatives. A key part of this work is building relationships with partners to highlight and make people aware of their messages.”

If anyone is looking for more advice on any of these subjects for themselves or on behalf of friends or family, information and support is available from organisations including Police Scotland, North Ayrshire Women’s Aid and North Ayrshire Council, among many others.

North Ayrshire Women’s Aid is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, and can be contacted by phone on 01294 602424 or by email at admin@nawomensaid.co.uk. Free, confidential and impartial advice and emotional and practical support can be provided and you will not be pressured into making any decisions you are not comfortable with.


Sergeant Kevin Blackley, Women’s Aid representative Lilias Nicholls and constable Jimmy Baird at the pledge signing event at Brodick ferry terminal.

A supporter signs a pledge in support of the 16 Days of Activism campaign. 01_B49WA01_23_supporter

Sergeant Kevin Blackley, Women’s Aid representative Lilias Nicholls and constable Jimmy Baird at the pledge signing event at Brodick ferry terminal. 01_B49WA01_23_group