Primary pupils enjoy a day of dancing at Dance Scottish Festival

More than 100 pupils from all seven Arran primary schools took part in the Scottish Dance Festival at Whiting Bay village hall.

Pupils enjoyed learning and performing eight Scottish country dances, including Gay Gordons, St Bernard’s Waltz, A Highland Welcome, Military Two Step, Orcadian Strip the Willow and the ever-popular Virginia Reel.

Accordionist Ian Muir provided the live music and Liz Kennedy was, once again, the master of ceremonies and the driving force behind making the entire event run like clockwork.

Active Schools Coordinator, Ross Dobson assisted with the logistical organising and also assisted throughout the day. He said: “This wouldn’t have been possible without the welcome help of several volunteers from local Scottish country dance clubs on the island, who all ensured pupils were in the right place at the right time – it’s much appreciated.

“As always, a big thank you to the school staff and volunteers who have worked tirelessly to ensure the pupils executed the dances well.

“A special thank you to Evie Steel from the Arran Music School Pipe Band, who led our schools at the beginning of the festival and which set the scene perfectly for the rest of the afternoon.

“Finally, thanks to accordionist Ian Muir for performing – live music makes such a difference and is a great experience for the pupils taking part.

“I’m sure the dances will live long in the memory of Arran primary pupils, and will come in handy in years to come.”

After a fun-filled and physical day of dancing the traditional vote of thanks was made to Ross Dobson and to Liz Kennedy and to all the helpers, staff, children, friends and family for making the much-enjoyed day possible.


Robert Dick of Whiting Bay Primary shows off his dance moves. No_B49dayDance01_23_Robert_Dick

Kilmory Primary pupils dancing the Gay Gordons. No_B49dayDance02_23_kilmory

Brodick Primary School perform the Military Two Step. No_B49dayDance03_23_Brodick

Kilmory pupil share a laugh during the dancing. No_B49dayDance04_23_Kilmory_laugh

Brodick and Shiskine pupils present flowers to Liz Kennedy during the vote of thanks. No_B49dayDance05_23_Liz_Kennedy