Unite mobilises for action against fuel poverty

Unite supporters and those with concerns about fuel poverty met at Ormidale Pavilion, Brodick, to add their voices to those demanding government action to end fuel poverty.

The meeting highlighted the Energy 4 All campaign which is calling for basic energy guarantees and public ownership of energy distribution networks.

Launched earlier this month, the Energy 4 All campaign is demanding all households be guaranteed enough energy to cover essential needs, for the public ownership of energy distribution networks, domestic power suppliers and the North Sea’s reserves of oil and gas to bring an end to what it calls flagrant profiteering.

Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said: “No-one should live in fuel poverty. But because of the greed of the energy profiteers over the last two years, millions of people have faced crippling bills.”

Unite community activist Holly Donovan added: “Energy For All is calling for radical reform to our energy pricing system. Under our current system, those who use more energy pay less per unit than those of us who are tightening our belts and cutting down on energy use. This is clearly upside down and unjust.”

Among the solutions required to help deal with the problems, the Unite Energy for All campaign includes:

An end to fuel poverty – with every household receiving a free amount of energy to cover basic needs; government support for home insulation; an end to forced disconnections and the force-fitting of pre-payment meters; fair energy pricing and public ownership of energy.

According to figures from Unite: Last year private firms made £45 billion profit from the UK domestic energy system. If that money had been kept in public hands, it could have been used to save each household £1,800 on their energy bills.

Jay Kramer of Unite said: “A group of people of varying ages and backgrounds came together last Sunday to discuss some of the issues facing Arran residents. Some were interested in joining the West of Scotland Unite Community branch for people who are unwaged. It would give the group an identity in terms of discussion and campaigning work.

“The group decided to concentrate on local and national issues and will come together again at the end of January to plan for a possible public meeting on housing, which is a major issue for Arran.”

For further information on Unite and the campaign please contact Jay on jaykramer1@hotmail.com


Jay Kramer, left, hosted the meeting with attendees from across the island. 01_B49Unite01_23_meeting