WATCH: Musicians blow their own trumpets at anniversary concert

Campbeltown Brass continued its 40th birthday celebrations on Saturday, December 2, with a sell-out anniversary concert at Campbeltown Parish Church.

More than 200 people attended the event which featured all four Campbeltown Brass bands – Autumn Newstarts, CBBZ, Juniors and Seniors.

The evening was compared by former band member Mark Good, with special performances from band members past and present within a packed programme.

Highlights included a performance from the Juniors of the set which won them their Development section Scottish Champions title in Perth the previous weekend.

Former conductor Stephanie Kennedy made a guest appearance and played a solo, Black Orpheus, on her flugelhorn

Rona Campbell and her Granny Morag Paton, Photograph: Kenny Craig.

Current conductor Andrew McMillan and Mae Barr played Me and My Shadow on tenor horn, while Rona Campbell played Concerto Aranjuez on her flugelhorn.

Kintyre Schools Pipe Band were special guests for the evening.

Kintyre Schools Pipe Band were special guests for the evening and along with all four Brass bands wowed the audience with renditions of Bells of Dunblane and Highland Cathedral.

There were featured tunes that the band have played throughout the past 40 years as well as a poignant piece named Angels Watching Over Me in memory of the band members that are no longer with us – a wee moment of reflection.

The McFadzean Family. Photograph: Kenny Craig.

The concert finale was a massed band rendition of The Young Amadeus which the band have played throughout its 40 years and was one of Campbeltown Brass founder Gordon Evans MBE’s original pieces.

Junior band conductor Katrina Barr commented: “Everyone had a terrific night.

“It went really well and was a great success.

“A massive thank you to everyone who came along and took part, and our fantastic audience for supporting us on the night and over the years.”

The band have had a busy month with Remembrance Day performances, extra rehearsals, Senior and Junior competitions in Perth and last weekend’s concert, but they will not be slowing down anytime soon.

December’s activities include a visit to South End Senior Citizens and a Christmas Concert on December 21 in the Community Centre (7pm). All welcome, entry by donation.

Dorothy Ralston, Fergus Walker and children. Photograph: Kenny Craig.