Harris team triumph at Loganair National Gaelic Schools Debate 2023

The final of the 2023 Loganair Gaelic Debate took place at the Scottish Parliament  recently with pupils from Sir E Scott School on Harris taking part.

The youngsters were up against James Gillespie High School, with the Harris team debating for the motion and James Gillespie High School against.

Both teams certainly had a busy day preparing ahead of the prestigious competition on Wednesday November 29, which originally began in 1999.

Judges Iain MacAulay, Joy Dunlop and Angus MacLennan had a difficult task in reaching a decision as both teams were very strong but it was the Sir E Scott team that won the day.

The prize was presented by Councillor Calum Munro, chairperson of the Gaelic Committee at Highland Council.

Also up for grabs was the best speaker award and this year’s the recipient was Matthew Wright from James Gillespie High School.  Matthew was presented with the award by Iona MacRitchie from BBC Craoladh nan Gàidheal.

Councillor Munro said: “This year’s Deasbad Nàiseanta (national debate) was excellent in many ways, including the engagement of secondary schools’ across Scotland, the management and organisation of the event, and also the collaboration and partnership working between local authorities and the business sector.

“I am absolutely delighted that Sir E Scott school are the winners and are taking the award home to Harris.”

He continued: “The pupils are excellent Gaelic and cultural ambassadors. I wish to take this opportunity to thank all the teams, and teachers in secondary schools across Scotland who took part in this prestigious Gaelic initiative and hopefully see you all next year.”

On behalf of the judges, Angus MacLennan said: “As judges, we were delighted with the standard of the debate this year. Interesting topics, pupils well prepared by teachers and parents, teams from rural areas and big cities taking part and it is obvious that they all have a special interest and pride in Gaelic.

“Congratulations to Sir E Scott B School who won the competition. They really deserved it but the other three teams that reached this stage should be very proud of themselves too. They stuck together! Many of those who have been involved in the debate over the years will say that it is fantastic for developing their skills.”

Evelyn Coull MacLeod on behalf of the National Gaelic Schools’ Debate management committee, added: “Following a three-year hiatus we were delighted to have been able to secure funding to enable us to continue.  I would, in particular, like to thank the following for their contribution: Loganair, Bòrd na Gàidhlig, The Scottish Government, Education Scotland, Skills Development Scotland, The Scottish Qualifications Authority, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, The Highland Council and Glasgow City Council.  Congratulations to Sir E Scott, who emerged as the worthy winners, a high level of competition was set and we look forward to another year of interesting and thought-provoking debates in 2024.”

Luke Lovegrove, Chief Commercial Officer at Loganair added: “It’s been our pleasure to support the National Gaelic Schools’ Debate again this year, which so brilliantly showcases Gaelic as a crucial element of Scottish heritage. Well done to all of the teams who took part for your hard work and dedication throughout the competition.”