Sustainable Skye event spurs innovative waste proposals for Skye and Raasay

A pioneering event titled “Sustainable Skye – Smart Waste Solutions for your Business” brought together a collective of community members, local organisations and businesses last month to address some of the waste issues on the island.

With an influx of approximately 600,000+ annual visitors, the Isle of Skye faces unprecedented waste management challenges, prompting innovative solutions at the event.

To start the day Laura Young, also known as Less Waste Laura, gave an engaging and inspiring keynote speech. Laura’s connection to grassroots efforts and her experience with working on large environmental campaigns was the perfect start to the day’s conversations.

Throughout the day a range of creative and actionable solutions were discussed, including the feasibility of a bold “No” to disposable coffee cups being implemented across the island. The discussion also delved into the potential effectiveness of a 30p levy on disposable coffee cups to deter their excessive use and promote sustainable alternatives, an idea that had substantial support from attendees.

Andrew Jones from The Coffee Bothy in Broadford commented: “We could possibly start by looking at our role in how we can educate and change behaviour towards reusable items.”

“The overwhelming consensus is that bold actions like saying “No” to disposable coffee cups could significantly reduce our environmental footprint and instigate widespread behavioural change.” said Amy Bentall, Highland Community Waste Partnership.

There were “dangerous ideas” discussion tables on four main topics, Refilling, Cardboard, Food Waste and Visitors, to enable innovative concepts to arise. Another idea to support both locals and visitors was to revolutionise transportation on the island, which included the proposition of an electric hop-on-hop-off bus system.

This ambitious initiative would have the aim to enhance public transport efficiency, thereby reducing the reliance on individual cars and camper vans, ultimately decreasing traffic congestions and environmental impact.

Complementary proposals involved creating designated car-free zones to encourage the use of public transport and alleviate traffic congestion in key areas.

Alistair Danter from SkyeConnect said: “Implementing an electric hop-on-hop-off bus service and establishing car-free zones are pivotal steps toward sustainable transportation on Skye.”

The event also sparked discussions on repurposing waste materials, notably exploring the potential to transform cardboard waste into insulation or energy sources.

Additionally, the idea of establishing a shared library of things, such as tools and equipment for locals and visitors gained traction, promoting resource efficiency and reducing unnecessary consumption.

“Sustainable Skye has generated a wealth of innovative proposals that underscore our commitment to a sustainable future,” said Gary Curley – SkyeConnect, with Emma Bee of Highland Community Waste Partnership adding: “The ideas presented – whether rejecting disposable coffee cups, revolutionising transportation, or repurposing waste, highlight the collective dedication to preserving Skye’s natural beauty.”

Looking ahead, Sustainable Skye aims to harness the momentum from the event to foster ongoing collaborations and translate these innovative proposals into actionable strategies for a more sustainable Skye.