Unanimous support for Dervaig outdoor memorial

Community councillors on Mull unanimously backed a move for Dervaig to have a war memorial outdoors.

This month’s meeting heard a number of people in the village have contacted community council representative Mary-Jean Devon for help to make it happen.

Tobermory, Craignure at Torosay Church, Bunessan and Salen all have war memorials of their own the meeting heard, but Dervaig has not as such, community councillor Devon told fellow members.

According to online information at MullGenealogy, a war memorial plaque is to be found hanging inside the church on the rear wall dedicated “To the Glory of God and in grateful memory of the men of the parish of Kilninian and Kimore (Dervaig)”, who fell in both the world wars.

In the First World War, 23 young men from Dervaig were lost in service, while in the Second World War there were five or seven who made “the ultimate sacrifice,”  community councillor Devon told the meeting.

“There is quite a lot of feeling from those families that they would like for people to be able to show their respects on Armistice Day,” she said.

Contact has now been made with councillor Jim Lynch and with former Argyll and Bute councillor Elaine Robertson who are members of the War Memorials Committee.

“I think most villages on Mull have one. Dervaig is really the only place that hasn’t. I think when people are asking, it is the least we can do to make it happen for them,” added community councillor Devon.

“There is plenty of ground around the church that they could maybe – I don’t know if it’s a slate stone inside the church – put it outside. We can get money, I’m sure, to do that in some way,” she added.

Community councillors gave unanimous support to the idea and it was agreed that community councillor Devon would be the the point of contact for the group.