Cars collided after over taking error

The fire service had to be called to the scene of an accident which saw a 25-year-old driver fined £400 after he admitted overtaking another vehicle while it was turning right.

Callum MacSporran, of 34 Bayview, Campbeltown, pleaded guilty at the December sitting of Campbeltown Sheriff Court to driving without due care and attention or
consideration of other road users on the A83 on the evening of July 16 this year.

Sheriff Euan Cameron was told that MacSporran was driving south and went to overtake a vehicle which was turning right into the entrance of the Killegruer Caravan

Procurator fiscal depute Rebecca Reid said: ‘Both vehicles collided and travelled 20
metres before coming to a halt.’

She added: ‘The fire service safely removed the driver from the other vehicle; they
were taken to hospital and discharged the same day.’

MacSporran’s defence agent presented a letter from his client’s employer to the court
in his support.

‘He will lose his job if he loses his licence,’ said Stephen McSporran.

‘He has learned from his experience and is a first time offender.’

Sheriff Cameron told the man: ‘This was a thoroughly unfortunate piece of driving,’ as he handed down a fine of £400 and four penalty points on MacSporran’s driving