Grammar Christmas concert is music to the ears

Campbeltown Grammar School (CGS) Christmas Music Concert was a great success, with a fantastic turn out from the community to support the talented young performers.

Photograph: Kenny Craig.

More than 70 pupils took part on Thursday December 7, ably assisted by music staff, Megan Anderson, Hazel Bengough and David Cosgrove.

Many members of staff helped out on the night of the concert, which  saw Calum Scott and Douglas Kenny as MCs for the night.

The Enterprise Group and Learning Support team sold tree decorations and Christmas gifts and there was an S3 art exhibition, organised by Mrs McQueen, with pupils displaying art work in the Atrium for all audience members to view during the interval.

Home Economics provided the baking/teas and coffees, along with the school canteen providing shortbread for interval. Thanks went to Mrs Osborne and Mrs Stalker for helping with this.

CGS also wish to thank all who supported the event and, most of all, those who contributed, including the pipe band, brass ensembles, vocal groups and soloists, for their endless rehearsals in order to make it possible.

“All in all a super night was had,” said a CGS spokesperson.

Featured image: Musicians gathered in the CGS atrium. Photograph: Kenny Craig.