Arran Banner Letters – week 50, 2023

Committee members sought 


At our recent AGM we outlined the challenges and our frustrations at trying to communicate constructively with key decision makers in our bid to improve ferry reliability and resilience. Since our formation we have achieved a number of small successes and have played a significant role in raising the profile of the issues with our ferry service at Holyrood. However, the overwhelming response has been denial of constructive access to the decision-making bodies.

After four years of this, and with many other calls on our time, almost all of the current committee members feel we have achieved all we are likely to in this current form, and therefore wish to step down.

There is an opportunity for change with the proposals for the direct award of the CHFS3 contract to CalMac and a greater focus on input from community groups.
Over the next months, some of the uncertainty regarding the new vessel delivery schedule, the consequent diversion to Troon and the Ardrossan harbour upgrade plans should also begin to clear.

It is our opinion that to have any chance of success, all the west coast islands need to speak with one voice, perhaps via the Ferries Community Board. Furthermore, some of those attending our agm expressed a desire for Arran to be better represented by one combined body, with a wider community representation.

Achieving this will entail further work and it is therefore now essential for new volunteers with fresh energy, enthusiasm and relevant experience, to take up these challenges.

Please email if you are interested in joining the committee and continuing to campaign for improvements to our ferry service. In the absence of sufficient new committee members and a new direction, the Arran Ferry Action Group would seek permission to dissolve.

We are continuing to engage where we can with our elected representatives and other bodies involved in the provision of our ferry service, and continue to push for positive developments.


Chair, Sam Bourne,

Arran Ferry Action Group Committee. 


International man of action


I would like to thank Sam Bourne and his colleagues for their efforts in influencing the Scottish Government to improve the Arran ferry service, boats and infrastructure.  However, and given Holyrood’s shameful performance over many years, it was probably a job for Jason Bourne.

Nigel Armstrong,
Whiting Bay. 




Weel, AFAG didnae last ower long
That’s them been and gone
Tried hard ,did their best
Lots of noise and protest

Plenty of Glasgow Herald quotes
And erudite letters Sally wrote
But out of energy and in some despair
The committee said: “That’s it,nae mair”

CalMac didn’t take our calls
We’re bashing our heids aff a brick wall
Our well researched figures and facts
Ignored -like water aff a duck’s back

So CalMac, TS, cannae be tainted
With getting over acquainted,
Their policies ,still,undented
Even although AFAG’s ideas well meanted!


John Lamont,


Less-abled access


My correspondence is regarding the new houses that will be built at the end of the road at Newton Shore in Lochranza where no parking will be allowed.

This is not acceptable to less able people who want to enjoy the shore walk.

This will need the village to get together to get North Ayrshire Council to make a new road access to beyond the last house. This will also allow for a car park and allow the less able to enjoy this area too.

I have been to NAC, Tourist Board and the Banner for help for the less able at locations all round the island – why do people object to less abled people being able to enjoy the island?


Alasdair Hendry,



Poppy Scotland thanks

I would to thank everyone who donated so generously to this year’s Poppy Scotland appeal.  I would also like to thank all the collectors.  The total raised was £829.95 from Lochranza, Catacol, Pirnmill and the two Brodick Co-op shops. My thanks also go to the staff at the Royal Bank of Scotland who emptied the cans and counted the money.

Major Bill Scott,

Local organiser, Poppy Scotland.