Audiences have a ball at splendid Cinderella

Words and pictures by Hugh Boag

Audiences were given the chance to really get into the festive spirit when Arran’s pantomime was staged last weekend.

Over four shows the community theatre was filled with laughter and delight as Lamlash Drama Club and Friends staged this year’s marvellous show – Cinderella.

More than 1,000 people packed the theatre over the three days with the Saturday night a complete sell out, with people being turned away.

Writer Nancy McPherson had added a few colourful characters to the traditional story including Bella Botox (Vikki Barbour) and her son Boris (Sheila Gilmore) to add to the fun as well as the splendid Charlie Gilmore as Boab the Dug.

It was great to see young actors given their chance to shine and Annie McKelvie in the lead role of Cinderalla and Harry Gilmiore as Prince Charming were a real delight.

They were ably supported by a fine cast of Arran actors, many of whom have treaded the panto boards for years, but produce excellent performances year after year. You know who you are.

However, special mention must to go to the Ugly Sisters Swanky (Rudi Hunter) and Manky (Stuart McPherson) for their comedic performances which really brightened the whole show.

Mention must also go to the youngsters who did a fine job playing the villagers and the ball guests.

Of course Cinderella had to loose her shoe and she ran off at midnight but the search for Prince Charming’s bride was well executed by the cast and after a happy ending the cast even time to pose for a photo for The Arran Banner, which was a nice touch by the ever reliable producer and director Maureen Smith.

Of course the panto is not just about the actors on stage but the whole host of behind the scenes crew who, as always, did a magnificent job to ensure everything was all right on the night.

With the panto over it’s already feeling a lot like Christmas.


Bella Botox (Vikki Barbour) conspires a plot with son Boris (Sheila Gilmore). 01_B50panto01_23_bella_boris

Buttons (James Mutch) chats with the villagers. 01_B50panto02_23_buttons_villagers

Palace guards Fatchance (Mark Nelson) and Naechance (Allan Nicol) perform a song. 01_B50panto03_23_mark_allan

King Airchie of Caledonia (Trevor Helliwell) serenades Queen Isla (Olivia Holmes). 01_B50panto04_23_archie_isla

Dandini (Andy McNamara) and Prince Charming (Harry Gilmore) on a walk about in thre village. 01_B50panto05_dandini_prince

Prince Charming leads the villagers in a song. 01_B50panto06_charming_song

Cinderella (Annie McKelvie) meets Boab the Dug (Charlie Gilmore) for the first time. 01_B50panto07_boab_dug

Baroness Soorface (Joanne Godwin) chastises Cinderella and Buttons as Baron Henpecked (Alastair Milne) looks on. 01_B50panto08_soorface_hen

The Ugly Sisters ham it up on stage. 01_B50panto10_ugly_sisters

Bella Botox and Boris confront Dandini in the forest. 01_B50panto13_23_dandini_forest

Prince Charming helps Cinderella collect wood in the forest. 01_B50panto14_wood_forest

Boris taking the Ugly Sisters’ measurements in an amusing scene. 01_B50panto15_boris_measure

Baroness Soorface in full flow on stage. 01_B50panto16_baroness_soorface

Merrymunch, the Good Fairy (Kate Green) summons a carriage for Cinderella to go to the ball. 01_B50panto17_23_good_fairy

The Ugly Sisters arrive at the ball. 01_B50_panto18_23_ugly_ball

Prince Charming welcomes Cinderella to the ball. 01_B50panto19_23_prince_cinderella

Dandini with the glass slipper discusses their next move with Prince Charming and the palace guards. 01_B50panto20_23_glass_slipper

Children from the audience help the palace guards come up with a plan. 01_B50panto21_children_audience

The Ugly Sisters fool around with a mirror. 01_B50panto22_mirror_fool

Dandini finds the slipper fits Cinderella. 01_B50panto23_23_slipper_fits

Prince Charming proposes to Cinderella. 01_B50panto24_23_prince_propose

The entire cast take a bow at the end of the show. 01_B50panto25_23_entire_cast