Carers champion thanks all of North Ayrshire’s unpaid carers

North Ayrshire Council’s carers champion, councillor Nairn McDonald, has issued an open letter expressing his support and thanks to all of the unpaid carers in Arran and across North Ayrshire.

An unpaid carer is anyone who looks after a family member or friend who needs their support due to illness, disability, mental health, addiction issues, or advancing years.

There are an estimated 14,000 unpaid carers in North Ayrshire, many of whom may not even recognise themselves as a carer.

While caring for someone can be incredibly rewarding, it can often come at a cost to the carer’s wellbeing and ability to access support. There can be financial costs associated with looking after someone, and it can affect the carer’s own education, employment and social opportunities.

Reflecting on the previous 12 months, councillor McDonald writes: “As we approach the end of the year, I wanted to write to you all and thank you for the work you have done over this last year, your support and your kindness.

“As an unpaid carer myself, I know this year has been tough for many, (it certainly has been for me) and I know that having someone in your corner is important.

“As North Ayrshire’s carers champion, it is my privilege to be that person, to be in your corner fighting your case – be it policy changes or normal casework. I am here to help.

“I have been privileged to speak to many of you, meet you and see the unbelievable impact you are having on our communities, your families and our wider area.

“It can’t be overstated how important the work you do is and I want you to know that we at North Ayrshire Council recognise that and will continue to do all we can to support you going forward.

“Our North Ayrshire carers strategy underpins everything that the team and I do and is a way to hold us accountable for the promises and legal obligations we have to you and your family.

“I am proud that over this year we have managed to secure extensions to our Carers Appreciation Card, meaning that not only are you eligible for discounts in North Ayrshire-run cafes, but also in all NHS Ayrshire and Arran cafes and dining rooms.

“In the year to come we will see our new Carers Gateway fully up and running, our new approach to carers engagement brought to fruition and further expansions to the Carers Appreciation Card.

“I look forward to visiting more of your groups in the New Year and meeting more of you over the course of the next 12 months, but until then can I end by wishing you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.”


Carers champion, councillor Nairn McDonald. No_B50care01_23_councillor_Nairn_McDonald