Flooding victims will spend Christmas in caravan

A Kilmartin Glen couple are facing Christmas in a freezing caravan after their home was devastated by flooding, writes Rita Campbell.

When water poured through Millar’s Cottage in Rhudle, around £25,000 worth of Catriona and Charles Gorrie’s possessions were destroyed.

But so many family heirlooms, including Catriona’s late mother’s sewing kit, are simply irreplaceable.

The Gorries could only watch on in horror as the flood water surged into the cottage on the morning of October 7.

Contents from upstairs are now being packed into storage as they prepare to have their ground floor ripped up. The stone walls will have to be sterilised before repair work can get underway.

Their settee, other items of furniture, white goods, laptop, all of Catriona’s shoes and the rest of the damaged contents have been taken away in a large skip.

The multi burner central heating system has also been condemned.

It will be late spring before contractors can restore the listed cottage, which has been in Catriona’s family for over 100 years.

Catriona said: “We’re absolutely gutted. I just felt helpless. There was nothing we could do. The water was coming in so fast.

“I’ve built up a good relationship with the insurance companies. They are taking all the flooring back to the concrete and taking the walls back to the stonework. It will all have to be redone.

“There was no accommodation in the local area, so the insurers have given us a touring caravan to stay in.

“It is sitting right outside the house. It is absolutely baltic and very cramped. Our friends and neighbours have been absolutely fantastic. Our neighbour has even invited us round for Christmas dinner. We are so grateful to everyone who has helped us.”

Dunadd Community Council has been in contact with Argyll and Bute Council to ensure people evacuated in the flooding will receive empty property council tax discounts.

The Gorries are among several families in the Kilmichael and Kilmartin area who are taking part in an online meeting chaired by Jenni Minto MSP today, December 15.

The meeting is being held with stakeholders including Argyll and Bute Council, Forestry and Land Scotland and SSE.

It is hoped that a way forward can be found after the area experienced the worst flooding in living history.

Catriona added: “We are looking at what can help us in the future. What are the agencies doing to help mitigate the effects of flooding when this happens again?

“They need to find better ways of communicating flood warnings with residents in different parts of Argyll and Bute.”