Housing issues put a dampener on seasonal cheer

Argyll Community Housing Association (ACHA) has defended its procedures to identify and remedy issues within its property portfolio.

A number of concerns regarding severe damp, mould and water ingress issues in Campbeltown have been highlighted on social media over the last couple of weeks.

ACHA tenants in Stewarton, Saddell Street, High Street, Craigowan Park and Millknowe are all experiencing problems while further properties in Drumlemble and Machrihanish also appear to be affected.

The issue was raised by Councillor Jennifer Kelly at last Wednesday’s Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands (MAKI) area committee following a presentation by ACHA chief executive Michelle Mundie.

Councillor Kelly said: “I have asked for a copy of ACHA’s damp policy and have asked the chief executive to look into the procedures currently in place to deal with these issues on the ground as it takes weeks if not months for resolutions to be put in place which is just not good enough.

“It is extremely concerning that anyone is being housed in these conditions and even more so that properties in question are home to young families with infants under six months old.

“I was advised that one of the families involved was told that their property  was due to be re-rendered in ‘maybe’ five years’ time so nothing would be done in the interim – as far as I am concerned the tenants are paying rent now and deserve a safe, warm, wind and waterproof home now, not in five years’ time.

“Furthermore, on top of the issues with the properties, I am very aware of how costly it will be for the tenants who are desperately trying to keep their homes warm for their children in these circumstances.”

Other complainants included a woman with a new born baby, who says that she was told that the dampness inside her home was ‘condensation’ and to open windows and put the heating on.

Another current tenant advised that they had been offered the same property approximately 10 years ago and it had the same issues then.

Poor window seals, badly fitted letter boxes, draughts and inability to keep the heat in were also mentioned on a lengthy list of complaints.

One tenant said that she couldn’t get the temperature in her house above 14 degrees centigrade; the recommendation from the Met Office being that it should not be below 18 degrees C during the winter.

When questioned by the Courier this week, the chief executive said that the association takes any issues of damp, mould and condensation within its properties very seriously and makes every effort to resolve any issues reported at the earliest opportunity.

“As a consequence of the seriousness of the issue we regularly review reports of any damp, mould and condensation issues within our housing stock and we have put in place processes and procedures to identify solutions to what in many cases can be complex issues, which have a number of contributory factors,” she told us.

“ACHA’s Property Services staff are able to offer advice and guidance to tenants whilst carrying out property inspections in terms of any actions that they can take to improve the issues.

“We also have monitoring equipment to help us identify the source of the problem and we have a number of solutions to help treat specific issues.

“We continue to monitor the situation after action is taken to make sure that it is resolved as sometimes there is more than one issue.”

Talking of planned investment works within the Kintyre area, Ms Mundie said that the ACHA was currently in the planning process for a window replacement programme in Millknowe, Campbeltown, which will take place within the next financial year.

“We are also currently implementing a replacement programme for kitchens, bathrooms, windows and doors, plus heating and rewire at 35 properties within Campbeltown and the Kintyre area,” she added.

“There are plans for work to be carried out in the future which will include insulation measures to properties, subject to budgets and external funding availability.”

Tenants experiencing issues with damp, mould or condensation are being encouraged to contact ACHA directly so that it can arrange an inspection to start the process to remedy the situation.

Tenants can also access general advice on the ACHA website at www.acha.co.uk.