Letters, December 15 2023

Bank branch closures

I am shocked and hugely disappointed to hear the news that the Bank of Scotland is planning to close both the Bowmore and the Tarbert branches in our local ward.

I have had many phone calls and lots of emails from justifiably angry and upset constituents.

I will be contacting the Bank of Scotland’s management directly and working with my colleagues to get this matter sorted out.

I hope that the Bank of Scotland sees sense and changes its mind on this damaging proposal.

Councillor Alastair Redman, Kintyre and the Islands ward.

Pet loss support

While Christmas is a wonderful time for many, for some it can evoke painful memories and grief over a lost member of the family, including our pets.

The Blue Cross Pet Loss Support service is available every single day of the year by phone, email or webchat to offer help to anyone experiencing the pain of losing a beloved pet.

During this year’s National Grief Awareness Week, our charity has been calling out to animal lovers to sign up to train as volunteer for Pet Loss Support, helping those struggling with the devastation of pet loss to come to terms with the death or parting of a much-loved pet.

To find out more about becoming a volunteer, or to make a donation to ensure homeless pets have a happy, healthy Christmas visit www.bluecross.org.uk/AllWeNeed.

Diane James, Head of Pet Loss Support, Blue Cross

Show your support for Lymphoma Action

Christmas is a time of giving, and this year we are asking people to make a difference and show their support for people affected by lymphoma, the UK’s fifth most common cancer.

It’s never easy for anyone to find out they have lymphoma, a type of blood cancer. But being diagnosed at this time of year, with all the upcoming celebrations, can make it even harder.

We know that well over a thousand people are likely to hear the words ‘you have lymphoma’ this December.

Which is why we are asking people to give the gift of hope for Christmas and beyond, by starting a regular gift with Lymphoma Action to provide people with all the information and support they need to help them through their lymphoma diagnosis and treatment.

Further information on how you can support us on a regular basis can be found at www.lymphoma-action.org.uk/appeal

There are also many other ways that you can show your support this Christmas – like purchasing our charity Christmas cards.

Please visit www.lymphoma-action.org.uk/christmas for further details on how you can support our work this festive season.

Above all, your generosity could mean that instead of feeling alone with their worries, people face Christmas, the new year and all those conversations with their loved ones and doctors with a greater sense of strength and optimism.

Please, if you can, help more people get to that vital place of hope.

Lymphoma Action