Comhairle works to restore priority systems

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar has identified a list of systems to be restored as a priority as the rebuild continues following the cyber-attack on November 7.

The attack has left the information stored on the Comhairle’s servers inaccessible. There is no indication that any of the stored information has been published.

The restoration of the identified priority systems will involve a combination of internal and external solutions.

For some systems these solutions can be actioned quickly while others are proving more complex.

The Comhairle has already made significant progress in the restoration of wifi connectivity and printing as well as the identification of permanent solutions for other key systems.

Malcolm Burr, chief executive of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, said: “Short-term solutions have allowed the Comhairle to continue delivering our key services to the public.

“While crucial, these solutions have not allowed for services to be delivered to their full capacity and have put additional strain on our employees. For these reasons temporary solutions, no matter how effective, cannot become permanent.

“This rebuilding process allows us to look at the systems and processes we use to deliver our services and consider how we can not only restore delivery but improve it.

The Comhairle is actively seeking advice from Scottish Government and engaging with software providers to ensure the best possible solutions are identified for all services.”