Mariners call for more time in Oban Bay consultation

A very well-attended public meeting saw more than 100 people pack a hall in The Rockfield Centre to hear about Argyll and Bute Council’s plans for Oban Harbour.

A detailed briefing was provided by Oban Community Council and OCHDA (Oban Community Harbour Development Association), followed by a substantial question and answer session.

Questioners were particularly concerned by the timing of this consultation and limited notice of it, the council’s plans for existing moorings in the bay, including plans for Ardentrive Bay and Kerrera marina, the lack of financial information, and future publishing of accounts for the harbour.

In addition, and overall, the meeting was very concerned by the council’s proposed arrangements for involvement of harbour users and other stakeholders in decision-making regarding the future of the harbour.

The meeting overwhelmingly supported a motion from the chairperson that OCHDA should write, formally, to Transport Scotland and to Argyll and Bute Council requesting that the 42 days for submissions relating to the formal consultation should be paused over the festive period or stopped and re-started completely in the New Year.

Anyone with an interest in the future running of Oban Harbour can make their views known during the initial phase of the formal consultation which closes on January 10 2024. Details of how to make a submission can be found at or on the Council’s Municipal Harbour web page.