At Random with Martin Laing – 21.12.23

Spreading positivity

I find myself unfeasibly festive – well, it is almost Christmas – in no small part because of the actions of some Oban folk whom I hold in high esteem.

I was chuffed to see the excellent spread detailing Bob MacIntyre’s return to Oban, which involved a full-on schedule of visits to schools in the town. Golfing star Bob has already achieved, at a very young age, what many players can only dream of, yet he remains wonderfully rooted in his home community.

This was manifest in his visit, Ryder Cup replica in hand, to Oban schools to speak with – and inspire – children with wise words urging great belief in their own potential.

You are, Bob, a shining star.

Then there was a spread to mark the 10th anniversary of the superb Pink Ladies Day initiative organised by the lovely Nicky Murphy, an old friend and colleague of mine.

Nicky has been running this day of pampering for women who have experience of breast cancer for a whole decade now and it only grows bigger and better, with 114 ladies present this year. Nicky, you and those who support your initiative are true stars.

The third spread in last week’s Oban Times that cheered my spirits to the rafters was – you dear regular followers of my ramblings will not be surprised to learn – the arrival of Oban’s new lifeboat, the Shannon-class Campbell-Watson.

I remain in awe of the volunteers who risk their lives with such regularity for purely altruistic reasons. They are a brilliant team and I know they will be thrilled with their new boat.

Merry Christmas

Finally, let me wish you all a very merry Christmas. I hope you all have a splendid festive season but let us remember all those who continue to toil for the benefit of others. The aforementioned lifeboat crews will be joined by countless others in the emergency services, council workers and elsewhere to make sure the majority of us enjoy the holiday. Best wishes to you all.

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