Bronagh’s spirit earns Nevis Tri Club top honour

Nevis Triathlon Club co-founder and member Bronagh Wishart has received the Club Spirit Award from her sports governing body Triathlon Scotland.

Bronagh is a valued member of her club and has played a leading role in all aspects of its smooth running, from securing sponsorship to help the club become financially stable in its inaugural year, to delivering high-quality coaching sessions covering all levels of abilities.

She has also played a pivotal role in encouraging other women to get involved in triathlon in the area.

Bronagh was instrumental in the creation of Nevis Triathlon Club, which was born out of her and fellow club coach, Alex Hill’s, vision to set up an affiliated triathlon club to open up access and involvement in triathlon in Lochaber.

She has been involved in triathlon for over 10 years and moved to Fort William in 2022.

Bronagh’s enthusiasm for the sport and passion for helping develop people across all levels has resulted in an incredibly supportive club ethos and community.

She has played a huge role in leading and encouraging other women to get involved in sport and triathlon in Lochaber, with 72 percent of the club membership and 55 percent of the club committee currently female.

This has been driven by her own and fellow founding club committee member Sam Potter’s, passion for the sport and encouragement of others to “give the club a Tri”.

With Bronagh taking up the role of chair for 2023-24 and leading a new larger and enthusiastic committee, the club is excited to see what the year brings and are looking forward to seeing it grow further under her leadership.

Speaking to the Lochaber Times this week Bronagh said: “I was delighted to receive the award from Triathlon Scotland.

We have a great club and it’s been fantastic to see Nevis Triathlon grow in the past year.

“Although the award was individual, it also goes without mention the club wouldn’t be where it was without the other 11 committee members who give up their spare time to coach, organise sessions and plan events.

“We are really looking forward to continue growing the club further and help more people get involved in triathlon and multi-sport in the Lochaber area.”

As well as Bronagh’s award the Nevis Triathlon Club also came in the top three for the Performance (Age Group) of the Year (Sam Potter), for her victory in the Scottish National Cross Triathlon Championships in Aviemore, and the Club of the Year Award.

Steered by 2022-23 club chair Alex Hill, and a committee of six (including Bronagh Wishart, Sam Potter, Kira MacDonald, Bethany Sim and Andrew Moss), Nevis Triathlon Club has led a full year of training sessions and social events helping the club to grow from a handful of people to over 30 members in the first year.

The club’s ethos centres on creating a welcoming environment.

Photograph: Bronagh Wishart, Triathlon Scotland 2023 Club Spirit award winner. NO_F51_NevisTriathlonClub_Bronagh Wishart