More Christmas messages to add

Trudi Newton, the new minister for Netherlorn Churches with Colonsay and Oronsay

Minister of Colonsay and Oronsay with Netherlorn Church of Scotland, the Reverend Trudi Newton: Having moved to Argyll recently, I find myself surrounded by boxes waiting to be unpacked! I am
slowly bringing order out of chaos as I find things that I have lost, and search in vain for the one thing I really need in any particular moment! Chaos can be disconcerting.

Each Christmas, the church retells the story of a young couple who became parents to a baby boy, whose crib is a manger, who are visited by shepherds and visitors from another country. The family flee to Egypt because of a death threat from the king. We sugar-coat it. But it is a chaotic story of refugees and outsiders, of a jealous ruler, a story of displacement and fear, a story of today’s world.

Yet in the midst of that chaos, a child is born, bringing hope and new possibilities.
Sometimes, it is in the chaos that a sense of peace can be found, in unexpected resilience or strength, or help given from friends.

I hope this Christmas, you find your rock which helps you cope with and transform whatever life throws at you, through the welcome of a stranger, the hand of
friendship, or the promise of new possibilities.


Rev Alex MacCallum,
Minister for Kilmore, Oban & Tiree

Kilmore, Oban & Tiree Minister, the Reverend Alex MacCallum: This is my first year as minister in Kilmore & Oban Parish Church and it is hard
to believe that we find ourselves at Christmas once more.

For many of us this is a time of peace, joy, and fun, yet we live in a world that is
increasingly fragile, difficult, and challenging.

So perhaps this year the message of Jesus is more important than ever.
And the message is a simple one. It is a message of Hope. A hope for a better day.
A hope for an end to war, violence and pain. A hope that we might build each other up rather than knock down.

In my short time in Oban, I have been privileged to see so many wonderful
groups and people that reach out to all those who simply need someone to carry
their hope for them, until they can do so themselves once more.

So, this Christmas I pray you would know the Hope that is offered to you with
the birth of Jesus.

That no matter who you are or where you have been, that you know there is
always a place for you in our church.

I hope you have a peaceful Christmas and a blessed new year.


Oban North and Lorn councillor Kieron Green
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Oban North and Lorn Councillor Kieron Green: Wishing all in Oban and Lorn a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.