Christmas messages from civic leaders and politicians

Argyll and Bute Council leader Robin Currie.

Argyll and Bute Council Leader Robin Currie: The last 12 months hasn’t been without its challenges but as we approach the New Year, I am filled with hope and optimism.

The adverse weather in October caused unprecedented disruptions but, in true Argyll and Bute style, local residents, businesses, partners and council staff, joined forces to help one another. That’s what makes Argyll and Bute unique and it’s what makes me proud to be the leader of the council; no matter what challenges we face, we can overcome them by working together.

This was clear at our Housing Summit last month when partners from a range of agencies gave a collaborative commitment to increase housing supply and tackle Argyll and Bute’s housing emergency. I have no doubt that collectively we will do this and I look forward to making progress on these plans in the months ahead.

2024 is also the year that the Mod returns to its birthplace, Oban. Gaelic plays an important part in Argyll and Bute’s history, and events such as the Mod bring people to the area. This, in turn, helps our local economy to thrive.

There is a lot to look forward to in 2024. We should all be proud of how far we have come this year and I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year when it comes.

Provost of Argyll Maurice Corry.Argyll Provost Maurice Corry: I’m extremely proud to see first-hand, the great community spirit we are lucky to have in Argyll and Bute. From our many volunteers who run community groups to every day neighbourly support, our communities are full of good people willing to help each other.

I know that 2023 has brought challenges for many residents and it’s important we support those who need it. Please look out for your neighbours and remember even the smallest acts of kindness can have a huge impact.

Whilst Christmas is a happy time for many people, it can also be difficult for others. If you or someone you know if struggling, there is a range of support available to help you financially or with your mental health. You can find advice at and NHS Inform

I would like to thank everyone who is working and volunteering over the festive period to help others. Many of you are delaying your own celebrations to make sure our communities are cared for.

Whatever this Christmas-time will mean for you, I wish you happiness. And for us all, I wish a healthy 2024.



Brendon O'Hara MP.
Brendon O’Hara MP. Photograph: Kevin McGlynn.

Brendan O’Hara MP for Argyll and Bute: As we look forward to spending time with our friends and family over the festive season, please, as I know so many of you do already, keep an eye out for those who are struggling emotionally or financially at this time of year. For far too many people here in Argyll and Bute, 2023 has been another
extremely tough year. Soaring food prices, rising mortgages and energy bills
have hit everyone hard in the last couple of years and as much as I would love
to say that it will be better in 2024, unfortunately I’m not convinced it will.

For working families, vulnerable people and those struggling to make ends
meet, there is no respite in sight from this crippling cost-of-living crisis, and
many people will be pushed further into debt.

If you, or a family member, neighbour or friend need help with mortgage
payments, putting food on the table or debt advice, there are some wonderful
organisations in Argyll & Bute who are equipped to assist.

If you do not know who to turn to, you can call me on 01436 670587 or email and we will point you in the right

Jenni Minto MSP for Argyll and Bute.

Jenni Minto MSP for Argyll and Bute: For lots of us, the festive period is a time for reflection on the year past and on our trials and triumphs. For many of us 2023 has been an incredibly challenging year with extreme weather events causing damage and even destruction to homes and the infrastructure we rely on, whilst the cost of living crisis has left so many struggling to make ends meet.

I want to pay tribute to all of my constituents who have spent so much of the year helping others in their community through charitable volunteering and donations to foodbanks and soup kitchens which sadly are so needed right now.

While some of us look forward to a short break in coming days it is also important to pay tribute to all the key workers who will continue to work tirelessly to deliver essential services.

Whilst we think of those close to home, I know that many of us will also spare a thought for everyone caught up in the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East.

As we look ahead to 2024 I sincerely hope that we see an end to these conflicts, and that we can turn a corner on the cost of living crisis here at home.

To all my constituents I wish a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year filled with love and peace.”