Community come together for carols at Christmas

Words and photographs: Hugh Boag

It may have been wet and windy outside but there was a warm glow of fellowship at the Community Carol Service on Tuesday night.

Around 180 people packed into Brodick Hall, with extra seating required, for the event organised by Arran Baptist Church.

Proceedings were conducted by Baptist minister the Rev Andrew S M Clark who kept the mood light during the service.

The community carol singing was accompanied by Arran Brass Band, which also performed two solo numbers.

The massed ranks of the Arran Singers performed twice and there was the first public performance of Arran’s new Gaelic choir Coisir Ghaidhlig Arainn.

The Rev Clark gave the Christmas message, which those attended may recognise in later pages of the Banner this week.

After the service, mince pies and tea and coffee were enjoyed and everyone went home in the Christmas spirit. The retiral collection raised £868.83 for the Arran Churches Together Foodbank.


Arran Brass Band performing “Carol of the Bells” at the service. 01_B51carol01_23_brass_band

Diana Hamilton leads the Arran Singers in a rendition of  “Christmas Bells”. 01_B51carol02_23_arran_singers

Brodick Hall was packed for the carol service. 01_B51carol03_23_brodick_hall

Coisir Ghaidhlig Arainn performing for the first time. 01_B51carol04_23_gaelic_choir