Connel Bridge £2M walkway opens

A cantilevered walkway has been opened on the east side of the A828 Connel Bridge across the Falls of Lora at the mouth of Loch Etive.

The walkway will maintain access for non-motorised users whilst bridge deck replacement works are undertaken next year. The £1.9 million project to install the walkway began in January 2023.

The cantilevered walkway will provide a safe access route across the Category B listed bridge during the upcoming project, as the existing footpath and carriageway will be completely removed to allow the work to be carried out. Cyclists wishing to use the walkway will need to dismount.

The actual bridge deck replacement works are programmed for late 2024/25, subject to government funding. The works will involve teams installing a new steel deck, which will ensure the bridge – built in 1903 – continues to operate at the highest of standards.

Ian Stewart, BEAR Scotland’s North West representative, said: “We appreciate the historical importance of the A828 Connel Bridge and the vital transport link it provides to local communities.

“Our teams and contractors have done a fantastic job, constructing the new cantilevered walkway. This will maintain a route across the bridge while the bridge deck is replaced while also providing a valued new asset to the community.”

Further information will be conveyed to all stakeholders in the coming months. BT cable diversion works are planned for mid-January 2024. These will require closures of the walkway – the exact duration of works is currently unknown, but could last for several weeks.