Leader, December 22 2023

The gift of family

It is hard to imagine the surprise of finding out, in your 70s, that you have a brother you did not know existed.

It must also be very difficult to live your life longing to know the identity of your birth father, wondering where in the world they were from.

That was the reality for George Harvey and Gordon Fyfe, until their heart-warming reunion earlier this year.

Family doesn’t necessarily mean blood but, whatever shape it takes, it is a gift.

The Harveys and Fyfes are lucky to have uncovered a new branch of their family tree and we hope they enjoy getting to know each other.

We are pleased they got the happy ending they deserved although we are sure this is just the beginning of their touching story.

Christmas wishes

This week’s edition is packed with festive news, from parties, lunches and school shows to Campbeltown Fire Station’s inaugural Santa Dash.

We hope all our readers and advertisers are prepared for the big day and have a peaceful time with loved ones this Christmas.

The last few weeks have been particularly difficult for some in the community and our thoughts are also with those for whom this festive season does not bring the usual joy.