Photograph of the Week, December 22 2023

On a very festive note this week, we were thrilled to receive this photograph of a wee robin from Courier reader Marilyn Shedden from Muasdale.

“He waits for us each morning when we take our dog Jazz for his walk on the beach,” she said.

“We keep a bag of seed in our pocket and he hops over and comes really close to see us.”

If you have ever wondered why red robins are associated with Christmas, postmen in Victorian Britain were nicknamed “Robins” because of their red-breasted coloured uniforms.

So the Robin on the Christmas card came to represent the postman who delivered the card, although there are links that pre-date this explanation.

If you have a photograph you would like to share, please email it to along with your name and details of where and when the photograph was taken or post it on the Campbeltown Courier Camera Club Facebook page.