The bond of friendship is the greatest gift

A Christmas message from North Ayrshire Provost Anthea Dickson

Christmas is a time of joy and gratitude, when we traditionally come together with family and friends.

It’s also a time when we reflect on all the things that have happened during the year and what it has brought us, both good and bad.

I’m extremely privileged to be the Provost of North Ayrshire. It gives me so many wonderful moments and allows me to meet fantastic people from across
our area.

This past year has taken me to every part of our beautiful area, meeting an array of talented and dedicated people from different walks of life.

One of the highlights of my role, without doubt, is getting the opportunity to meet individuals who are making a difference in their neighbourhood, as well as groups and organisations who are committed to improving their communities.

It’s also a pleasure to be invited to join in some of the best events North Ayrshire has to offer, such as our summer festivals like Marymass and Largs Viking Festival as well as unique events such as Garnock Valley Carves.

Each of these wonderful attractions draws visitors to our area and shows North Ayrshire in the best possible light. None of them would be possible without the dedication of volunteers who work round the year to make sure they continue to be successful beacons of joy.

The talent and abilities of our young people never ceases to delight me. In particular, I want to sing the praises of our young musical talent. I have attended various musical events throughout North Ayrshire during 2023 and have been left spellbound by the musical prowess on display. And I need to give a special mention to our young people who were part of the Ayrshire Fiddle Orchestra who have recently returned from a hugely-successful tour of America. Congratulations to every one of them.

While there have been many highlights during the past year, we know that many in our communities and further afield continue to face real challenges.

The cost-of-living crisis has affected all of us in some way and while many people struggle to make ends meet, it’s heartening to know there are so many people willing to help each other out.

It’s important to remember that for those facing financial difficulty this Christmas, help and support is available from a wide variety of sources, including the council’s website and social media channels. Please don’t be afraid to ask for help.

We also know that abroad, conflict continues in Ukraine and the Middle East. We all feel powerless and deeply saddened as lives continue to be lost every day and we hope that peace will come as quickly as possible.

This year, my Christmas card supports the work of Ayrshire Hospice and, if you are able to contribute during this season of goodwill, I hope you will think of this worthwhile cause which brings so much incredible support to families.

As Christmas approaches, please remember to look out for your families, friends and neighbours. The bond of friendship and love is the greatest gift we can give.

And on behalf of everyone at North Ayrshire Council, I wish you peace, health
and happiness this festive season.


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